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NSPCC fundraising11th August 2020

NSPCC fundraising

We would like to thank all parents and families for their generous

donations over the past year to the various NSPCC events/appeals each

nursery has hosted. Together, with your help, we have been able to raise

£6392 for the NSPCC across Fisherfield! This money will serve to make

the lives of vulnerable children across the country better. We have been

raising money for the NSPCC since 2009 and we are proud to say that

with the support of the families who attend our nurseries, we have raised

£84,145 in just over a decade.


After consulting with the Nursery Council in each of the Fisherfield

nurseries, we have made the decision to start supporting the RSPCA. The

children have demonstrated an interest and love for animals, and this will

be a great way to build on their interests. As part of our support for the

RSPCA, we will be sponsoring a dog and will continue to host exciting and

fun fundraising events as soon as it is safe to do so!


Start your child at Fisherfield Childcare today, or come and visit one of our wonderful locations